School Health Advisory Counci (SHAC)

Contact Information:
Leslie Kloesel, RN.
District School Nurse
506 West Main Street
Weimar, Tx 78962

  SHAC Bylaws

Bylaws of the Weimar Independent School District

School Health Advisory Council

  Article I: Name and Purpose of the SHAC


Section I: Name of Organization

Each school district in the State is required in Chapter 28, Subchapter A-K, and Chapter 38.013 of the Texas Education Code, to establish and maintain a district level school health advisory council. The name of the organization shall be the Weimar Independent School District (ISD) School Health Advisory Council hereinafter referred to as the “SHAC”.

Section II: Purpose

The purpose Weimar ISD SHAC is to serve in an advisory capacity, and provide recommendations, guidance, and other assistance to the Weimar ISD Board of Trustees in order to enhance student performance by promoting healthy lifestyles and integrity. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, upon the advice and counsel of the SHAC, to establish and amend the Bylaws and Policies.


Article II: Membership


Section I: Size of Council

The SHAC will consist of no more than 15 members and no less than 8.

Section II: Membership Criteria

  1. The majority of SHAC members must be parents or guardian of the students enrolled in the district who are not employed by the district.
  2. The Board of Trustees may also appoint one or more persons from each of the following groups: teachers, administrators, district students, health care professionals, business community, law enforcement, senior citizens, clergy, and nonprofit health organizations.
  3. The district school nurse/ wellness coordinator, Health/PE Specialist, Director of Food Services, and Guidance Counselor shall serve in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.

Section III: Term of Service

The term of service for an appointment shall be two years, normally beginning the first SHAC meeting in September. Terms may be staggered to maintain continuity on the SHAC. Parents and community members will serve a two year appointment. Campus level staff and students will serve a one-year term. Members may serve multiple terms.

Section VI: Vacancies

Vacancies shall be filled by an affirmative vote of the majority of the SHAC and must be approved by the Board of Trustees.


Article III: Meetings


Section I: Regular Meetings

Regular meetings will be held the third Tuesday of the month of the meeting. The first meeting in September shall be considered the first meeting for the year. Other meeting shall be held in November, February, and April. All meeting will be held in the Weimar ISD Board Room from 12:10 P.M. till 1:00 P.M. All meetings must comply with the “open meeting law”. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of each meeting.

Article III: Meetings (Continues)


Section II: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the council chairperson. Notice of a special meeting will be made in writing at least three days in advance.

Section III: Agenda

Agendas shall be provided for all full SHAC meetings. Agenda items shall be determined by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee and Coordinator. SHAC meetings are generally not considered to be subject to open meeting laws since they serve an advisory role and not a decision-making role; therefore, meeting minutes and agendas will be posted on the school’s website to allow for public input and provide an “open door” to the SHAC.

Section IV: Quorum

The presence of one-half plus one member shall constitute a quorum, and a simple majority must vote for a motion in order to approve it. If less than one-half of the members are present at any meeting, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting.


Article IV: Officers


Section I: Terms of Service

The SHAC shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, each to serve 2 year terms.  Officers may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same office. Officers will be selected in April and installed at the first September meeting of the SHAC. No officer shall be an employee of Weimar ISD.

Section II: Responsibilities

  1. The responsibilities of the Chair shall be to:
  • Preside at all meetings of the SHAC.
  • Appoint committees as necessary.
  • Serve as ex officio member of all committees-without vote except the Nominating committee.
  • Work directly with the Executive Committee and the Coordinator to compile agendas for all meetings of the SHAC.
  • Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC's authorizing statute, district policy, and direction of the Board.
  1. The responsibilities of the Vice-Chair shall be to:
  • Preside at SHAC meetings in the absence of the Chair.
  • Serve as ex officio member of all committees without vote except the Nominating committee.
  • Serve as Chair-elect.
  • Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC authorizing statute, District policy, and direction of the Board.
  1. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to:
  • Preside at meetings when both the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent.
  • Work with the Coordinator to prepare meeting notices, minutes, and arrange the location of the SHAC meetings.
Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with SHAC's authorizing statute, District policy, and direction of the Board.

Article VI: Committees


Section I: The Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of five members of the SHAC serving two-year terms. Nominating Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee and confirmed by SHAC. The past chair shall oversee the nominating committee. The nominating committee will be responsible for filling SHAC officer vacancies.

Section II: Substantive Standing Committees

There will be one standing committee for each of the following substantive areas: Nutrition/Food Service, Physical Education and Activity, Health Education, Counseling/ Mental/Social Health, Student Health Services, Parent and Community Involvement, Healthy Environment, and Staff Health Promotion. All committee chairs shall report directly to the SHAC through the Executive Committee, Chair, and Vice-Chair.

  1. The Vice-Chair shall oversee the activities of all standing committees. The Vice- Chair shall insure that no important function is unfulfilled.
  2. Each committee chair shall be appointed by the Chair with the advice of the Vice- Chair; and the composition of each committee shall be as approved by the Executive Committee.
  3. Each committee chair, subject to the approval of the Chair, may appoint the members of their committees, designate subcommittees and appoint their sub-committee chairs and members.
  4. Each committee chair shall determine the term of office of its subcommittee members. For each committee established jointly with other organizations, the Executive Committee shall approve the manner in which its chair, its members, any subcommittees, and the terms of office of individuals serving on the committee or subcommittees, are determined.
  5. Standing committees serve the SHAC's decision-making process. They are the focal point for SHAC activity. Broad community participation is sought for committees. They gather information, analyze available data, make recommendations to the SHAC, and report to the SHAC. The SHAC may develop these recommendations into action items for a SHAC vote.
  6. Standing committee members are not required to be SHAC members. Weimar ISD employees may be appointed to committees. School Health Services staff may also be appointed to committees.
  7. The Coordinator will serve as a resource to all committees.
  8. Committee chairs will be members of the SHAC. If the committee chair is not a parent of a Weimar ISD student, a parent will be designated as co-chair.
  9. Committees should strive for representation reflecting the diversity of the community served by Weimar ISD.
  10. Standing committees should be comprised of at least 3 members.

Section III: Ad Hoc Committees

The Chair may establish and appoint Ad Hoc committees as he/she deems necessary and appropriate in consultation with the executive committee.


Article VII: Communications


Any internal or external communication shall be reviewed and disseminated through the Weimar Independent School District Health Services via mail, e-mail, fax or telephone.

Article VIII: Amendments


The bylaws may be amended, replaced or added to, or new by-laws may be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum at a meeting duly called for the purpose according to the articles or bylaws. The chairperson shall call a special meeting of the organizational committee to study any bylaw changes, whether amended, replaced, or new. The organizational committee shall bring a recommendation to the advisory council for a formal vote.


Article IX: Coordinator


The Weimar ISD Nurse of School Health Services shall serve as Coordinator for the SHAC. Responsibilities of the Coordinator shall include:

  1. Ensuring that adequate facilities arrangements and staff support are secured for all meetings.
  2. Providing members and support staff with agendas and background materials prior to meetings.
  3. Serving as custodian of all SHAC records.
  4. Promoting public awareness of the SHAC and maintaining a database of persons interested in service as SHAC members.
  5. Informing the Chair of member vacancies and attendance problems.
  6. Provide staff support in the development and submission of SHAC's annual report.
  7. Informing the Chair and General Counsel of possible member conflicts of interest.
Providing such other assistance as requested in accordance with the SHAC authorizing statute, district policy, and the direction of the Board of Trustees.