School Safety Awareness and Alerts

Student and staff safety is always a top priority of Weimar Independent School District. Whether it is driving safely in school zones, teaching students to safely walk across the street, or reporting suspicious activity, everyone plays an important role in helping to keep our schools and community safe. This page is intended to provide you with valuable information and resources related to school safety.

Threat Protocol
*Specific Threat

When a name is submitted to the Principal from a Student / Parent / Teacher

Protocol for Administration: Member of the Weimar ISD Threat Assessment Team
Evaluates Comments / Concerns reveal a *Specific Threat

Immediate Action required (Selection Based on self-harm or threats)

  1. Department of State Health Services
  2. Colorado County Emergency Management Services
  3. City of Weimar Police Department
  4. Colorado County Sheriff's Department
  5. Colorado County Health Department
    Mental Health Authority
    Texana Crisis Hotline
    Texana ,Columbus
    TCHATT (Texas Child Health Access through Telemedicine)

Communication with parent / student and agency to determine placement or support system that ensures the safety of all students.

Plan / recommendation may include:

  • Monitoring
  • Intervention
  • Increased Supervision
  • Referral
  • Placement
  • Custody
  • Adjudication
  • Community Resources
  • Mental Health Evaluation
  • Ongoing Communication between school district, parent, mental health provider, law enforcement as needed.

Student discipline processes runs parallel to the threat assessment process and may include:

  • Monitoring
  • Behavior Support Plan
  • Increase Supervision
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Alternative Placement

In all cases, the student is removed from the school until the investigation is complete and deemed safe. Due to student confidentiality laws, the district cannot reveal discipline outcomes, but trust that we take each threat seriously wand will take appropriate action to keep student safe. A general notice will be sent out that we are aware of a threat and taking action to maintain a safe learning environment.

Threat Protocol
*Nonspecific Threat

When a name is submitted to the Principal from a Student / Parent / Teacher

Protocol for Administration: Member of the Weimar ISD Threat Assessment Team Evaluates Comments / Concerns reveal a *Nonspecific Threat

  • Communicates with the Counselor
  • Contact Parents (weekly check) Build a Relationship
  • Start a Folder
  • Present Name to Teachers / Staff (communication)
  • Track and Monitor Daily


  • Meets with School Safety and Security Committee Before and During School (Includes all Local and County Emergency Response Departments.)
  • Review and Update to our Emergency Operations Plan and Procedures
  • Exterior Door Repairs / Exterior Door Alerts / Daily Exterior Door Checks
  • Number Exterior Doors
  • Access Controls (updated and expanded)
  • Know Box (emergency entry boxes for Police & Fire)
  • Vestibules
  • Expand Mental Health Provides and Child Psychiatry Access
  • Visitor Check Procedures
  • Photo IDs for Staff
  • Playground Fencing (expand and assess gates)
  • Cameras and Lighting (upgrade and expand)
  • Active Monitoring doors During Passing Periods
  • Interior Lock Door Policy (all interior doors remain locked)
  • Update COPSync (Rapid Officer Notifications on classroom computers and / or phones.)
  • PD MOU (Creating a Memorandum of Understanding that on duty police officers will use their access cards to randomly patrol buildings during their shift.)
  • PD Office Space (Provide a space and computers for on-duty Weimar police officers to do paper work in our building. Allowing for multiple officers to be on campus for extended periods during the day.)
  • Collaborative Training with the Weimar PD and FD (Updating Access Cards and Maps)


  1. Alert (COPSync / 911 /Panic Button / Pa Announcements)
  2. Identify (Outside Threat or Inside Threat
  3. Act (hold and Secure / Lockdown / Evacuate / Shelter
  4. Notify Parents (Text Message / School Messenger / Code Red)
  5. Reunification


  1. Counseling Network
  2. Psychological First Aide
  3. Physical Repairs / Options
  4. Colorado County Emergency Management / TDEM


  • Guardian Program (The district can grant anyone, including employees, permission to carry firearms on campuses through a contract and require training)
  • SRO or off city law enforcement, if Local PD presence is not meeting expectation or external audit
  • Expand Fencing at the High School and Junior High.

Students and parents in the Weimar ISD Community can anonymously submit any suspicious activity, bullying or other student related issues to a school administrator(s). 

What Is Bullying?
Bullying happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. Bullying is deliberate, repeated over time and in a situation in which one person has more power than the other. Bullying can be done with words, with technology such as cell phones or computer and it can also be physical. 

What Is Conflict?
Conflict is a disagreement that happens when people want different things. The people involved in a conflict have equal power to solve the problem. They are not purposely trying to hurt each other. Bullying is different. Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps picking on someone on purpose. The goal of bullying is to make the victim feel scared or bad about themselves and that's not okay. All kids have conflicts - disagreements that end up in arguing or fighting, that's different from bullying. 

To help recognize bullying, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it continue to happen even though you've told the person to stop?
  • Is the person making you feel scared or bad about yourself?
  • Does the person have more power than you do?

What To Do If You're Being Bullied
If you are bullied, good first step is to to tell the person to stop, using a calm body and voice, but before you say anything, you will need to decide if it's safe because sometimes it's not a good idea to confront a bully on your own. The following are examples of when it would NOT be a good idea to confront a bully on your own.

  • The person bullying you is older or bigger than you are.
  • More than one person is ganging up on you.
  • You have no friends who can help you.
  • No adult is nearby.
  • You feel trapped.

In these cases you need to get out of the situation as quickly as possible and report to an adult or make an anonymous report.

Across the country, in our communities, we share everyday moments with our neighbors, family, coworkers, and friends weather it's when we go to work or school, the grocery store, or at home.

It's easy to overlook these routine moments, but as you're going about your day, if you see something that doesn't seem quite right, say something.

By being alert and reporting suspicious activity to your family, friends, teachers, and local law enforcement, you can protect your family, neighbors, and community.

You can help save lives by reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment. Here are examples of some of the most common behaviors and incidents to report:

  • Acts of violence, with or without weapons
  • Verbal or physical abuse, assault or harassment
  • Sexual abuse, assault or harassment
  • Bullying, fighting, harassment or intimidation behaviors
  • Threats seen on social media
  • Depression, anxiety or loss of self-control
  • Bragging about weapons or a planned attack
  • Hopelessness, excessive guilt or worthlessness
  • Reckless behavior, theft and petty crimes
  • Substances or alcohol abuse
  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Suicide threats, cutting or other self-harm
  • Any other troubling situation or behavior


Submit A Tip through our online secure website.

Submit a Tip

Parent cell phone numbers that are listed in the Student Information System (SIS) are automatically enrolled to receive text messages. Text messaging is an additional way to quickly and efficiently contact parents when your child’s school or district needs to notify you in cases of emergency, attendance, and essential communications related to your student(s) education.   Note that the text messaging option is not meant to replace primary modes of communication (email, phone message, school website, or backpack letters).

Providing cell phone number to my child’s school

It is necessary to provide your cell phone number to your child’s school in order to receive text messages intended for parents. Please make sure your parent cell phone numbers are listed in the “cell telephone” fields in the parent/guardian contact information section of the  on emergency care information form for each of your children.

Confirming that your cell phone is subscribed to receive text messages

Send a text message to 67587 with the words “SUBSCRIBE”. You will receive a message from our vendor, SchoolMessenger, letting you know if the phone has been opted in for WISD e-Notify notifications. It will appear on your cellphone as a message from "SchoolMessenger notifications" If you did not receive the proper reply message from SchoolMessenger notifications, please contact your campus administration. Make sure the contact “cell telephone” numbers are listed in the correct field in the parent/guardian contact information section.

NOTE: Text messaging is only available to parents who provide a cell phone number to the Student Information System (SIS).   

Reply to any text message from 67587 with the word “STOP”. 

Charges for the texting service

Standard message and data charges may apply for text messages depending on your cell phone service plan. If you have questions relating to text charges, we suggest you contact your cell provider.

Recipients of text messages

Text messages from your child’s school intended for parents can only be sent to the parent/guardian cell phone numbers that you have authorized to be on file for your child. It is important to let your child’s school know of any changes to your cell phone numbers.

Senders of text messages

Text messages are sent by local school administrators who are authorized by your child’s principal to send essential communications to parents as well as select WISD central office staff.

Types of messages

WISD school and district office staff will send messages when there are emergencies, delays, school closings, or urgent local school incidents. Central offices will also contact you in special cases when your school may not be able to due to local school power, phone, or internet outages.

Transportation managers may text you if your child’s bus is expected to run more than 30 minutes late.

You may also receive targeted system messages about:

  • Your child’s attendance if school has not heard from you before the morning attendance deadline or in the evening for middle and high school students.
  • Low or negative lunch balance if your child’s school lunch account is falls below $10.

Examples of important reminders from your child’s school:

  • Back to School Night reminder
  • Open House reminder (start of school)
  • Testing dates, reminders, updates
  • Required immunizations, forms
  • Required event reminder for course credit/grade to students in a particular class (e.g. performance arts or music)
  • End of year library book return reminder for outstanding items


If you choose not to participate the schools and central offices will continue to send email messages primarily and occasionally voice messages, but in time sensitive situations you might not receive the communication as quickly as those who are opted in to receive text messages. We are adding text messaging as a method of reaching parents more quickly in urgent situations.

Temporary stoppage

If you would like to stop the text service temporarily, e.g., you are going on vacation, you may opt-in and opt-out of the service as often as you like. Simply send a text to either 67587 with the word “STOP” or words “SUBSCRIBE” at any time to toggle the service on and off.

Receiving too many non-essential messages but do not want to opt out of receiving important or timely notifications

If you experience this please contact your school principal and let him/her know.

Optional Tip:
Some parents may find it helpful to add “WISD” to their cellphone contacts with the short code 67587 listed in the phone field so that you know that the texts you receive from this code are official Weimar ISD messages from the district or your child’s school.

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