
Weimar ISD takes bullying seriously!

Report Bullying
Students or parents in the school community can anonymously submit any suspicious activity, bullying or other student related issues to a school administrator(s). Once you complete the form below, you will receive a confirmation that your information has been submitted to the school district.

False reporting will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action.

This system will be monitored between the hours of 7 am to 4 pm during the school year. Any reports submitted outside of these hours or during holidays will be responded to during the following normally scheduled school day.


Please do not use this form for issues requiring immediate assistance.
If this is an emergency requiring immediate assistance, please call 911.

Bullying Investigation Process 
Please read through the steps below to learn more about
our bullying investigation process.

WISD Bullying Report Form

Step 1: Bullying Report

The bullying investigation process is initiated as soon as a complaint or allegation of bullying is received. Teachers and staff members are required to report acts of bullying.

We encourage students, parents, or guardians to report acts of bullying to a teacher, counselor, or campus administrator by phone, email, in person or by using the incident report form.
(Click here for WISD Staff emails.) All forms of reporting will be kept anonymous/confidential. 

Step 2: Investigation by School Administration

Once the school administration is notified of the bullying complaint. The complaint is reviewed and the parents of the alleged victim(s) and perpetrator are notified. The administrator begins investigation the events. 

The target, perpetrator and witness (if applicable) are interviewed.

All information for the entire process will be documented.

Step 3: Bullying Determination

Administration will review information and determine if the bullying claim is valid.

Keep in mind that even if a behavior was not considered to rise to the level of bullying, it may still require intervention and discipline.

Step 4: Notification of Findings

Parents of all students involved will be informed of the incident and weather the complaint was determined to be bullying or not. 

A safety plan my be reviewed. 

Step 5: Consequences Assigned

Consequences will be assigned as outlined in the Student code of Conduct. Targets of bullying will not be punished

Retaliation against students who report bullying will not be tolerated.


Lindsay Fisbeck - Weimar ISD District Counselor
lfisbeck@weimarisd.org - (979) 725-6309

Angela Wied - Elementary Counselor
sanderle@weimarisd.org - (979) 725-6009 ext. 1308

Codi Pesak - Junior High Counselor
cpesak@weimarid.org - (979) 725-9515 ext. 1213

Youth & Family Services

Name of victim(s)
Person reporting
Relationship to victim
Phone #
Email address
Date & time of incident
Accused bully name(s)
Location of incident/campus
Describe what happened in detail.