About Me
I am a native of the Weimar area, living on the family ranch in Oakland with my wife, Cheryl. I graduated from WHS in 1973 and attended several institutions of higher learning. I have a Bachelor's degree in Animal Science from Texas A&M University and a Master of Ag Education from Southwest Texas State University. I have taught my entire career in Yoakum, Hallettsville, and Weimar. Currently, I am semi-retired and therefore have my classes only in the morning.
Class Schedule
First Period - 7:55-8:40 -Physics
Second Period - 8:42-9:27 -Independent Studies in Math
Third Period - 9:29-10:14 - Physics
Activity Period - 10:16-10:41 - UIL Number Sense Practice/Tutoring
Fourth Period - 10:30-11:17 -Physics
Conferences and tutoring by appointment. Contact me using Remind.
Remind Codes Text the code to the number 81010.
- Physics: @7c594
- Independent Studies in Math: @79agc83
Google Classroom Codes
- Physics: 6sdhat4
- Independent Studies in Math: 367qppj
Zoom Video Conference Instructions