

Lindsay Fisbeck - Weimar High School Counselor
lfisbeck@weimarisd.org - (979) 725-6309

Angela Wied - Weimar Elementary School Counselor
awied@weimarisd.org - (979) 725-6009 ext. 1308

Codi Pesak - Weimar Junior High School Counselor
cpesak@weimarid.org - (979) 725-6302

This system will be monitored between the hours of 7 am to 4 pm during the school year. Any reports submitted outside of these hours or during holidays will be responded to during the following normally scheduled school day.


NOTE: If you provide your name and/or contact information, you acknowledge that it will be provided to assist in resolving the concern or threat you are reporting. If you deliberately provide false information or use this system to threaten or harass someone, you may be subject to criminal prosecution.

If this is an emergency, call 911 immediately.

Weimar ISD takes all tips seriously and will investigate at the appropriate level.

Weimar ISD’s Tip Line allows you to submit an anonymous tip to school and district officials.
Person(s) of Concern? Who are you reporting about?
Category of Concern:
Reason for concern?
When did this event occur?
Where did this incident occur?
More Information Please Give Details on the When and Where
How did you find out about this?
Were there any other witnesses? If so, please list their names, grade, etc.:

Contact Information (optional)

  • You have the option to leave your personal contact information. If provided, you may be contacted for more information if necessary. All personal information is optional and will remain confidential.
First Name:
Phone Number:
Last Name: