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ESSER III Stakeholder Meeting-6 Month Review
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/91087110299
Sheet: https://forms.gle/8y3MqHPtBYX24sgu7
May 3, 2024
11:00 am
ESSER III Public Meeting-6 Month Final Review
Weimar ISD Administration Building
June 10, 2024
6:00 pm
The ARP ESSER III (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III) Grant Program was authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP)
As a part of ESSER III, Weimar ISD is allocated $913,400 in funding to use through September 2024. At least 20% of those funds must be used to address learning loss.
ESSER III can fund academic supports, social-emotional supports, health/safety, and continuity of services.
Weimar ISD plans to use ESSER funds in categories that align with TEA's guidelines. We will also adapt our plan ongoing as we learn what is most impactful.
For a more detailed description of each topic or to participate in the survey, please select the appropriate link below.
Weimar ISD ESSER III Stakeholders - Stakeholders
ESSER III Stakeholder Meeting 5_3_24
Weimar ISD ESSER III Use of Funds 6_10_24
Spanish Copy of Weimar ISD ESSSER III Use of Funds6_10_24
Weimar RIPICS Plan 6_12_2023
Spanish Copy of Weimar Restart Plan 6_12_23
Weimar ISD ESSER III (American Rescue Plan) Community Feedback and Input Survey-6 Month Review
Archived Documentation
Weimar RIPICS Plan (1/2023) Weimar RIPICS Plan Spanish (1/2023)
Weimar ISD ESSER III Survey
WISD ESSER III Stakeholders (1/2023) WISD ESSER Stakeholders Meeting Spanish (1/2023)
ESSER Planning
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